Tools & Resources
Many free or inexpensive tools and resources are available. These include ransomware decryptors, secure remote access tools, system optimization utilities, anti-malware applications, auditing tools, scanning tools, and much more. We are proficient in using these tools and solving problems.
As a Managed Security Service Provider we also have countless security vendors and commercial tools/services at our disposal that are not listed here.
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The leaders in email delivery reliability and analysis. Find out if your organization is blacklisted, verify your MX Records, and other email related insights.
Trustworthy antimalware software. Was the leader of the pack back in the rogue antivirus days. Still a trusted authority and solution.
Inspect files using over 70 antivirus scanners and URL/domain blacklisting services, in addition to a myriad of tools. Any user can select a file from their computer using their browser and send it to VirusTotal for analysis.
Sysinternals Utils
The original utilities from the legend, Mark Russinovich. Gain deeper insight into your windows operating system and network with these free yet highly powerful tools.
Check email addresses you and your employees use to see if any 3rd party vendor data breaches may have exposed your sensitive information or user account passwords.
Leaders in DNS intelligence. Lookup IP and Domain name owners; resolve domains to IPs, and more!
(Aka Network Mapper) is a network discovery and security auditing utility. Identify devices on your network, discover hosts and the services they offer, find open ports and detect security risks.
Free and open source operating system for routers and firewalls. The web based graphical interface requires no knowledge of the underlying FreeBSD system in order to manage it.
Open Source Intrusion Detection & Prevention System, packet sniffing, logging, and more!
Softether VPN
Highly reliable and versatile free VPN client.
Deep scan your windows computer to find what has burrowed deep to cause you security and/or stability issues. Particularly useful for Browser Helper Objects and Browser Hijacks.
Open source network packet capture and analyzer. Useful for network troubleshooting, analysis, software and communications protocol development, and education.
These days, having policies isn’t just a boundary setting exercise. Many cybersecurity insurance companies require that you maintain policies and update them every year. Some should even be signed off on by employees. If you don’t have policies you’re going to need help getting started. Here are a set of free policies to assist you.
Open source simulated phishing attack platform. Simulate real world phishing attacks to test the hardest to patch vulnerability – your people.
If auditing and change management help is what you’re looking for, Netwrix has a myriad of free tools that just might help assist you with your endeavors.
Infection Monkey
An open-source breach and attack simulation (BAS) platform that helps you validate existing controls and identify how attackers might exploit your current network security gaps.
Unitrends BC/DR Link
They say failing to plan is planning to fail. Well, an interesting twist is that you also need a plan in case of failure. Sound complicated? Use Unitrends BC/DR Link to demystify it. This free tool helps you plan out the key components of a Business Continuity / Disaster Recovery program.
Open Source Vulnerability Assessment Scanner. Self assess using this spinoff of Nessus.

Receive Assistance
Remote Support
If you are need of technical support or cybersecurity event remediation, we may attempt to provide immediate support over a secure connection. Below are some of our remote support tools:
Option 1) To install our primary remote access tool click here.
We’ll walk you through the installation process.

Ransomware Tools
Free Decryptors, Tools, Software & Resources
If you’ve fallen victim to a ransomware attack, contact us immediately! Time is of the essence and attackers frequently destroy decryption keys if payment is not made in a timely fashion.
Never delete your encrypted data. There is always a chance a decryptor exists. And if one does not exist today, there could be one created in the future. Below are some free decryptor tools and resources:
Proactively Eliminate Vulnerabilities
Prevention is the cure. Risk management is the key. We have a myriad of cybersecurity tools and professionals at our disposal. Leverage us to perform risk and vulnerability assessments. We can identify your cybersecurity risks and help you manage and mitigate them. Be proactive. Contact us for a free consultation!

Contact Us
(763) 381-4064
Mobile Tech Shop, LLC
Get Started
Don’t hesitate! Be proactive with your cybersecurity measures. We can help!