Annual Dark Web Report
Just as you should be getting a free personal credit report annually, you should also be getting a dark web report for your business.
In fact, we at Mobile Tech Shop, LLC believe in this so much, we provide them free to our business clients and prospects.
That’s Right! Annual Dark Web Scans FREE for Qualifying Businesses!
*Want more than one scan a year? We also provide them on demand for a small fee. Or sign up for our continuous monitoring services.

What is a Dark Web Scan?
Hackers run their operations like sophisticated business entrepreneurs. They are constantly dreaming up new ways to make money any way possible. One easy way to make a quick buck is to sell data and credentials they’ve stolen from victims or acquired from other hackers. They use the dark web to do this.
CONTINUOUS Dark Web Monitoring
Proactively Eliminate Vulnerabilities
Detecting your data hitting the dark web quickly is vital to your business’ cybersecurity health. The very act of your data getting out there is a canary that a bigger problem may exist.
The sooner you detect it, the better. That’s why even annual scans aren’t sufficient; although they’re better than doing nothing. We recommend continuous scanning to get quickly alerted to password compromise and other dangerous threats.
For a limited time, Clients of Mobile Tech Shop, LLC can enroll in the continuous monitoring service 50% OFF!
Businesses that aren’t our client may request 1 dark web report annually. Or subscribe to the continuous service for a small fee.

Stay Current On Recent Issues
We strive to promote risk mitigation through education on current cybersecurity risks and events.
Our focus is on issues related to such topics as VPN security, ransomware attacks, data breaches, password compromise, and illicit/malicious dark web activity.
Arm yourself with knowledge! We’ll help make it easy.

National Public Database Data Breach Exposes 2.9 Billion Records!
Compromised data includes names, addresses, Social Security numbers, and even usernames/passwords stored in PLAIN TEXT!
Remote Support
Get Help Now!
Whether you need urgent help with a ransomware attack, or just want to inquire about a free dark web scan, Mobile Tech Shop, LLC is standing by ready to assist. Call us now! If necessary, we’ll remote support you using one of the tools below:

Contact Us
(763) 381-4064
Mobile Tech Shop, LLC
Get Started
Don’t hesitate! Be proactive with your cybersecurity measures. We can help!